Off Grid Living In New Hampshire ( The Granite State )

New Hampshire is located on the east coast, more precisely in the northeastern part of the country. This is one of the smaller states and it also has a fairly small population, currently, New Hampshire’s population is around 1.3 million people. New Hampshire has only one city with a population of over 100k, Manchester has around 112k people followed by Nashua 88k, Concord 43k, Derry 33k, and Dover with around 31k population.

New Hampshire is not a good state for off grid living, the price of property is around 18% higher, the cost of living is around 5% higher than the national average and the property tax is one of the highest in the country at 2.2%. In addition to this due to the harsh climate, you will also be somewhat limited to what you can grow in this state and the growing period is also somewhat short.

New Hampshire’s population is slowly growing although the growth has started to slow down during the past couple of years. New Hampshire is one of the most beautiful states in the eastern part of the country, it has a lot of untouched wilderness and plenty of lakes. One of the main reasons why not a lot of people are moving here is due to the high taxes, and high cost of living, although with that being said there are people who do live off the grid in New Hampshire.

In fact, if you do not take into consideration the financial aspects of off grid living then New Hampshire is probably one of the best off grid states, but that is true for almost any state if money isn’t the problem. If you compare people living off the grid here and in the southern parts of the country then you will notice a fairly big difference, some would even say that people who live here off the grid or in a homestead have a fairly comfortable life.

The truth is that most people who want to live off the grid want to make their cost of living as cheap as possible, and in New Hampshire, this simply isn’t possible due to the high taxes. In addition to this, people who want to live in a northern state off the grid will most likely choose a state which isn’t on the east coast, mostly due to the high costs associated with living off the grid in this area. If you want to check out a state that has a similar climate then check out my recent article Off grid living in New York ( The Empire State ).

Is Off Grid Living Legal In New Hampshire?

Living off-grid in New Hampshire is generally legal, but there are certain limitations. While embracing a self-sufficient lifestyle is allowed, residing in a dwelling without basic utilities full-time is not permitted. Additionally, if a municipal sewer system is available nearby, connection to it is typically required.

Off Grid Laws

Living off the grid in New Hampshire is legal, just remember that if you are building your homestead even in the middle of nowhere you still have to abide by the local building code. New Hampshire’s education system is fairly good, although you still have the possibility to homeschool your children. The homeschooling laws are fairly simple, just notify the local authorities that you are homeschooling your children in a timely fashion and you should be fine.

Generating Power Off The Grid

  • Solar power: New Hampshire has a special program for which you can apply to make the costs of setting up your solar system a lot cheaper, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program or LIHEAP is mostly meant for people with a fairly low income. On top of this, you can also apply for the federal tax credit which is around 26%.
  • Wind power: New Hampshire has also a special rebate program for wind power, although this is limited to around $1000, on the other hand, you can still apply for the federal tax credit as well.


New Hampshire’s climate is humid continental, summers are mild and short and winters tend to be long and cold. The average summertime temperature is around 75°F and the average wintertime temperature is around 15°F, although the temperatures during the wintertime can drop to as low as -5°F. What is typical about the humid continental climate is that the weather can be unpredictable and you can expect plenty of thunderstorms during the summer and winter storms during the winter. If you want to know which states and counties do not have building codes then check out my recent article States and counties with no building codes ( Top 8 ).

Types Of Crops

New Hampshire is a big producer in the dairy industry and it also has plenty of cattle and chicken farms. The main crops grown here are sweet corn, hay, apples, and maple syrup. From an off grid living perspective, you will be limited to what you can grow due to the local climate and the fairly harsh weather. Most people who live off the grid in this state only focus on growing some fruits, livestock, and a small vegetable garden. If you want to check out one of this state’s neighbors then check out my recent article Off grid living in Vermont ( The Green Mountain State ).

Freshwater Availability

There is plenty of fresh water in New Hampshire, although in some areas the groundwater may be contaminated by the runoff from local farms. The yearly average rainfall is around 40″, and the average yearly snowfall is between 60″- 100″. Near the bigger lakes, the amount of precipitation and snowfall can be significantly higher than the state average. On the other hand, you will have no problem harvesting plenty of rainwater in this state.


The most common animal in New Hampshire is the white-tailed deer, other animals are black bears, moose, beavers, porcupines, and foxes. New Hampshire has also access to the ocean where you can find blue fish, Atlantic cod, American shad, haddock, and different types of flounders. In the local rivers and lakes, you will find banded sunfish, golden shiner, spottail shiner, channel catfish, and fallfish. You will need a fishing license both for freshwater and saltwater fishing

Road Access

New Hampshire has fairly high-quality roads, mostly because the local population pays a lot of taxes. You will have some problems with road access during the wintertime as some areas will be simply blocked off due to heavy snowfall, so if you move to a remote area you should prepare for it.

Price Of Land

The price of land in New Hampshire is higher by around 18% than the national average, although if you compare it to the neighboring states it is somewhat cheaper. The main problem will not be the high cost of housing and property but the taxes associated with living in this state.

Property Tax

New Hampshire has one of the highest property taxes in the entire country, currently, it is at 2.20% and the national average is 1.08%, basically, it is more than double. The highest property tax is in Hillsborough County with 2.256%.

Cost Of Living

The cost of living in New Hampshire is somewhat higher than the national average, you will pay around 18% more for housing, 20% more for utilities, and 7% more for groceries. On the other hand, you will pay less for transportation at 13%, and for healthcare services at 14%.


New Hampshire’s unemployment rate is at 2.2% which is a lot lower than the national average of 3.6%. The main problem with New Hampshire is that even though the taxes are fairly high, the minimum wage is only $7.25. The biggest industries where most people work are manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, and the healthcare industry.

Crime Rate

New Hampshire has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire country, currently, it is at 1.7 crimes per 1000 people and the national average is at 4 crimes per 1000 people. The areas with the lowest crime rates are East Kingston, Plainfield & Cornish, Lyme – Dorchester Area, Springfield – Croydon Area, and Oxford. The areas with the highest crime rates are Rochester, Laconia, Manchester, Keene, and Tilton.

Natural Disasters

New Hampshire is prone to floods, storms, tropical storms, tornadoes, ice storms, and blizzards. Generally speaking during the summertime you will probably see a couple of storms but nothing major, the problem comes during the wintertime with blizzards and ice storms which can last a fair bit.

Key Takeaways

  • Off-grid living is generally legal in New Hampshire, allowing individuals to live independently without being connected to traditional utilities.
  • Tiny houses are generally accepted in New Hampshire, but it’s crucial to comply with local zoning and building codes.
  • Composting toilets are legal in New Hampshire, providing an alternative and eco-friendly waste management option. However, the use of outhouses for primary residential purposes is typically not allowed.