Off Grid Living In Nebraska ( Cheap land and cost of living )

When you hear about Nebraska you will often hear that it is a flyover state as not a lot of people actually stop here. Not a lot of people are fond of Nebraska, as life in this state might seem extremely boring. In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons why Nebraska is an excellent off-grid state. The population is fairly low at around 1.9 million, and the population is scattered around in two “bigger cities” and the rest live in smaller cities and towns.

Off-grid living remains legal in Nebraska as there are no state laws that prohibit it. However, it’s important to note that certain localities may have regulations in place that necessitate connection to the municipal sewer system. Apart from this specific requirement, living off grid is fully permissible throughout Nebraska.

There are two cities that have a relatively high population when you compare it to the other ones, namely Omaha with around 450k people and Lincoln with around 280k people. As you can see the vast majority of people live in smaller towns and cities and only around 730k people live in the two biggest cities. Currently, the population is slowly growing, but not because people are rushing to move into this state but due to the high birth rate. If you are a big fan of trains then you will love this state, as it has the biggest train yard not from the country but from the entire world.

One thing you have probably heard about Nebraska is that there are wheat and cornfields all over the place, which is true as a lot of the land is fairly fertile and ideal to grow different crops. The one thing that a lot of people complain about in Nebraska is that life is fairly lonely as there are only small communities if you live outside the cities. Although if you want to live off the grid then this should be a major bonus. Before deciding to move to Nebraska take a look at South Dakota also for more information check out my recent article Off grid living in South Dakota ( Easy Living? ).

Is Off Grid Living Legal In Nebraska?

Off-grid living is legal in Nebraska, as there are no state laws prohibiting it. However, it’s important to check local regulations as some areas may have specific requirements, such as connecting to the municipal sewer system. Overall, living off-grid is permitted and feasible in Nebraska.

Nebraska Climate

Nebraska has a humid continental climate, which is normal for this region. What it means is that the summers are hot and the winters are cold, and the high humidity persists all year round. The average temperature during summertime is around 85°F, and during the wintertime, they are around 10°F. Although if you live up north then you probably wouldn’t consider Nebraska as having cold winters, but as this state is fairly flat the wind is almost constantly blowing.

The climate is fairly similar to Kentucky, for more information check out my recent article Off grid living in Kentucky ( The Bluegrass State ).

Best crops to grow in Nebraska

Nebraska is an ideal state for growing crops, its main crop is corn which is grown both as animal feed and as food for humans, in addition to this you can also grow wheat, different grains, potatoes, and beans. One of the most important aspects when looking for a good off-grid state is what kind of crops you can grow, for growing crops Nebraska is one of the best states.

Freshwater availability in Nebraska

There are plenty of lakes and rivers crossing through Nebraska, but by far the best place to get water is from the ground. Nebraska sits right on top of the biggest aquifer in the country, it is called the Ogallala Aquifer and it is bigger than some countries, it stretches from South Dakota all the way down to Texas. Although currently there is plenty of water in the aquifer, it does have one massive problem, that it is fossil water.

Fossil water is basically very old water, and the main difference between fossil water and groundwater is that fossil water isn’t replenished at the same rate as groundwater. Once the water from this aquifer is used up it will take around 6000 years to refill it naturally with rainwater. On top of that, you can also harvest rainwater as Nebraska gets plenty of rain and snow. If you want to take a look at one of the neighboring states then check out my recent article Off grid living in Iowa ( Cheap land & Plenty of Corn ).

Nebraska wildlife

Nebraska doesn’t have such a big hunting scene, although you will find here white-tailed deer, elk, prairie dogs, river otters, and even bobcats. In Nebraska’s rivers and lakes you will also find several catfish like the blue catfish, and the flathead catfish, other types of fish are bluegills and white bass. Permits are needed for both activities and you can even get them online, although odds are that the website isn’t working, and this is true for all states not just Nebraska

Generating power off the grid in Nebraska

  • Solar power: The state of Nebraska is great for solar power, and there is a quickly rising industry meeting the local demand. Currently, there is a 30% federal tax credit which will ease the cost of setting up the solar power system. As the state is considered fairly flat you will have plenty of sunshine all day, both during summer and the winter, as there are no big hills blocking the sun’s rays it will allow you to generate a lot of power.
  • Wind power: Generating power with wind is also possible in this state, especially as it is so flat. The incentive for wind power is the same as for solar power which is a 30% tax cut.

Nebraska price of land

The price of land in Nebraska is fairly cheap, although the price can go up a fair bit if the land already has crops like corn growing on it. Corn is big business in Nebraska, so if you want a small plot of land just to live off the grid and grow crops to feed your family you should probably look at an area that doesn’t have any crops growing on it as it will be cheaper.

Nebraska road access

As the state is fairly flat there is no problem with road access, both during the summer and wintertime. One thing you might not like is the traffic jams caused by agricultural equipment, which you will often come across while traveling between the smaller cities and towns.

Nebraska property tax

The property tax in Nebraska is very high, at 1.8%, and when you compare it to the national average which is 1.08% there is a massive difference. If you just look one state over, in South Dakota the property tax is only 1.32%. Overall there is not a lot of differences between Nebraska and South Dakota, except the massive difference between the property tax. In some counties, you might find that the property tax is even higher at 2% in certain cases.

Nebraska cost of living

The cost of living in Nebraska is around 11% lower than the average cost of living in the country, so it kind of evens out with the high property tax. Housing is around 27% cheaper than in the rest of the country which is a big plus in my eyes, in addition to this you will also pay a lot less for transportation and groceries as well.

Nebraska jobs

Currently, the unemployment rate is around 3% which is standard for the neighboring states as well. It probably won’t surprise you that one of Nebraska’s biggest industries is agriculture, followed by the renewable energy sector and you can also find jobs in smaller industries like health, education, finance, local manufacturing, and even IT.

Nebraska crime rate

Nebraska’s crime rate is a bit higher than the national average, as it has around 5.35 violent crimes per 1000 people and the national average is around 4 per 1000 people. Although the crime rate is fairly higher than the national average, this shouldn’t scare you as this high number is mostly due to the cities of Omaha and Lincoln, smaller cities and towns are a lot safer in general.

Nebraska natural disasters

Nebraska has more or less the same natural disasters as its surrounding neighbors, floods, storms, and tornadoes, although this shouldn’t surprise you as Nebraska is in the tornado alley. During the summertime heat waves can sometimes occur and a lot of thunderstorms.

Key Takeaways

  • Living off the grid in Nebraska is legal, and there are even some counties that offer generous rebates and incentives for solar or wind power generators.
  • The main reasons why Nebraska is a good state for off grid living are the low cost of living, cheap land, and fertile soil which will make it easy to grow crops.
  • If you want to live off the grid in Nebraska make sure to check what the local property taxes are, as in a lot of counties these are well above the national average.