How To Live Off The Grid In The City? ( In 8 Steps )

A lot of people do not know but you can actually live off the grid in a city, although in most areas this can be fairly difficult. Most cities will not allow you to disconnect from utilities, especially from sewage and water as doing this is an actual health hazard. Some people who do not have the possibility to go completely off the grid in the city, tend to live partially off the grid. This means that they are still connected to the grid and the utilities, but they also generate their own power and heat for the most part.

Living off the grid in a city is completely different than living off the grid in a remote or rural setting. Not only you do not have the possibility to disconnect from the grid entirely but you most likely will have a hard time growing your food as well. However, if you live in a suburban area then you have a far easier time living completely or partially off the grid, on the other hand, if you are in the middle of an urban area then you will have to figure out a lot of stuff.

Although living off the grid in the city is possible, but you are limited to a house or an RV at best, some people manage to live off the grid in an apartment but this is extremely hard and if you are not the owner then the landlord will probably not be happy. Some people who do not have the possibility to disconnect from the grid think that if they stop paying the bills the electricity company will cut them off the grid.

Do not do this, sooner or later the property will have to be reconnected, and guess who will pay for everything, you… and in some areas reconnecting to the grid comes with a massive fee. My personal recommendation is to first find out if there is a possibility of you going off the grid and if not then your best option is to live partially off the grid, for more information check out my recent article How to live partially off the grid? ( In 9 Steps ).

How To Live Off The Grid In The City?

Living off the grid in the city presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for those seeking a self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyle within an urban environment. While traditional off-grid living often involves wide open spaces and abundant natural resources, urban off-grid living requires a different approach that focuses on resource optimization and creative solutions. Key considerations include energy efficiency, such as utilizing solar panels or wind turbines, as well as reducing energy consumption through energy-saving appliances and practices. Water management can be addressed through rainwater harvesting, water-saving fixtures, and efficient use of water resources.

Urban gardening techniques, such as container gardening, vertical farming, or rooftop gardens, offer opportunities for growing fresh produce even with limited space. Waste management, composting, and recycling are essential aspects of living off the grid in the city. Additionally, forging connections with local communities, sharing resources, and embracing a minimalist lifestyle can further enhance the off-grid experience.

Know The Laws

Living in a city means that you are connected to the power grid, sewage system, water system, and trash collection system. Cutting all of these off in the middle of a city is asking for trouble, in most cases, you will not be able to disconnect from any of the previously mentioned utilities. The problem is that most people think that if they set up a septic system and generate their own power they can prove to the city officials that they can live off the grid while respecting the local laws.

The problem is that this doesn’t work like that, if an inspector comes by to check why you are not connected to the power grid and you show him that you generate your own power, he simply won’t care, all he will see is that you are not connected to the grid, and from then on your problems will start with the local authorities. If you want more information about the legal aspects of living off the grid then check out my recent article Is living off the grid legal? ( 11 Rules to Follow ).

Live Partially Off The Grid

You most likely will not have the option to live completely off the grid, in this case, your best option will be to live partially off the grid. This means that you are still connected to the utilities but you generate your own power, heating and if possible you can even grow your own food. You do not have to go completely off the grid to enjoy the benefits of it, keep all your utilities and just use them when you need them, just think of it as a backup system.

Some states offer generous rebates, for renewable energy, which means that the excess electricity which you generate goes back into the grid and you get paid for it. Although most companies will not pay you cash but they will offer a type of credit. Generally speaking, these rebates do not pay well, the company will sell your electricity to other users at a 10x times higher cost than what they are actually paying you. In some provinces in Canada these rebates can be extremely generous, so if you live in Canada then make sure to check them out.

Own The Property

The first and most important thing, if you want to live off the grid, is to own the property. If you do not actually own the property then it will be extremely difficult to disconnect from the grid, most landlords will not allow it and you might even get evicted. Once you own the property you can think of several ways you can either go completely off the grid or at least partially. The closer you are to urban areas the harder it will get, so you shouldn’t get your hopes up.

If you own a plot of land in a suburban area and you plan to live off the grid there, in a tent or in an RV then you will have some problems. Even if you do own the plot of land you can not actually camp on it for more than a couple of weeks, and this law is present in all states.

Generate Power

Your best option for generating your own power is by using solar panels, although generating power with solar panels in an urban area has its own drawbacks. Cities tend to be fairly polluted, you can see in your home how much dust can settle in a matter of just a couple of days. If you are near a road which has a lot of traffic then this will be a massive problem. Solar panels do need constant cleaning, but the dust in urban is not like the dust in some remote areas.

The dust in cities tends to be filled with heavy metals and different particles, which will actually cause problems to the solar panels, especially when you wipe them off. Sooner or later you will notice some small scratches on the solar panel and with some time they might even start to malfunction. So your best option is to set up the solar panels as far away from the road as possible and make sure it has direct sunlight, also don’t forget to clean the panels once a week.

Grow Food

In most cases, you will probably not be able to grow enough food to live off all year round but you can supplement your food with a vegetable garden. A  lot of people love the notion of eating as organically as possible, and as organic food tends to be fairly expensive some people decide to grow their own organic food. Growing food in an urban area is not ideal, to say the least, it can be potentially dangerous.

Urban areas tend to be extremely polluted, no matter what you do the pollution will affect your crops. The chemicals and metals from the pollution will settle on your vegetables where they are absorbed, and eventually, they will be eaten. If you are planning to make a small vegetable garden in an urban area then I highly recommend you to make a greenhouse, this way you will keep out at least the pollution which is in the air. A lot of people living off the grid also make a nice profit by selling their vegetables, even on the roadside, for more information check out my recent article Selling vegetables roadside ( In 9 Easy Steps ).

Make Compost

Generally speaking, most people who live off the grid make their own compost, however, you will have to be extra careful making compost in the city. Compost that is not properly made will start to smell and attract a lot of rodents, the last thing you want is a pack of rats to move into your compost pile. If you want to live off the grid in the city then my personal recommendation is to avoid making compost, just buy some organic fertilizer and you should be fine.

Harvest Rainwater

Most people who live off the grid do harvest rainwater, although harvesting rainwater is not ideal in an urban area due to the pollution. Moisture tends to trap a lot of chemicals and heavy metals which all can be found in the air. You might think that if you filter and purify your water then it would be safe. The truth is that water filters will only filter out to about 0.02-micron particles, anything smaller than this gets through.

The main role of water filters is to filter out bacteria and protozoa and they do a great job at this, but they simply can not filter out chemicals and heavy metals. If you also purify the water by boiling it you will just have boiled water with chemicals and heavy metals. My personal recommendation is to take a sample of harvested rainwater and get it tested in a laboratory, just to be safe.

Follow The Law

It is extremely important that you follow the law, no matter if you want to live completely or partially off the grid in a city. In remote areas, you can get away with some things as nobody cares, but in urban areas, all it takes is one nosey neighbor for you to get a visit from some random government official, and these people do not have a sense of humor. If you want to go off the grid in the city then you should probably keep it to yourself, and only ask the local authorities what is possible and what is not possible.

A lot of people simply do not understand what is living off the grid, and some people are simply mean and would do anything to hinder your progress, just out of spite. Make sure to also ask around for solar incentives and rebates, as these are valid in urban areas as well.

Key Takeaways

  • Living off the grid in the city requires creative solutions and careful planning to achieve self-sufficiency. Consider implementing renewable energy systems like solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and efficient waste management practices.
  • Focus on maximizing space utilization by utilizing rooftop gardens, vertical gardening, and hydroponics to grow food. Explore options for urban foraging, community gardens, and local food co-ops to supplement your food sources.
  • Emphasize energy conservation by using energy-efficient appliances, insulating your home, and practicing sustainable transportation methods like cycling or using public transit. Additionally, develop skills such as composting, DIY repairs, and resource conservation to enhance self-reliance in an urban environment.


How do I start off the grid living?

Starting off-grid living requires careful planning and consideration. Begin by assessing your energy and resource needs, researching suitable locations, acquiring necessary skills and knowledge, and gradually transitioning to a self-sufficient lifestyle through steps like installing renewable energy systems, implementing sustainable water and waste management, and growing food.

Where is the cheapest off-grid place to live?

The cost of living off-grid can vary widely depending on factors like location, land prices, and infrastructure requirements. Generally, rural areas in states like Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee are known for lower land costs and a lower cost of living, making them potential options for affordable off-grid living.

What is an example of living off the grid?

Living off the grid can take various forms, but an example would be a household that generates its own electricity through solar panels or wind turbines, collects rainwater for domestic use, practices sustainable agriculture or permaculture, and relies on composting or other eco-friendly waste management systems to minimize reliance on external resources.

Is it legal to live off-grid in North Carolina?

Living off-grid in North Carolina is generally legal, as long as certain basic requirements are met. However, specific regulations can vary depending on factors like local zoning ordinances, building codes, and health and safety regulations. It is advisable to research and comply with relevant laws and regulations, and consult with local authorities or experts to ensure compliance when living off-grid in North Carolina.