Best Places To Live Off The Grid In Wyoming ( Top 7 Counties )

Wyoming is an excellent state for off grid living, although the climate tends to be relatively dry in some areas. With that being said Wyoming has a lot of people who chose to live off the grid, mostly because the cost of living in this state is relatively low, especially if you compare it to the neighboring states. A lot of counties in Wyoming have a low population density, and depending on the area some of these are excellent for off grid living and homesteading.

The best places to live off the grid in Wyoming are the ones that have a low population density and the climate is also favorable for growing crops. Generally speaking the best counties for off grid living and homesteading are Laramie County, Natrona County, Sweetwater County, Niobrara County, Hot Springs County, Fremont County, and Teton County.

The only bad aspect of living off the grid in Wyoming is the local climate, due to the large size of the state, there are two types of climate semi-arid and continental. If you want to grow your own food then areas where the climate is continental would be your best option. On the other hand in areas where the climate is semi arid, your main concern will be freshwater.

The good news is that even though some areas in Wyoming are considered to be semi arid, you can still harvest rainwater. Although the rainfall in the semi arid areas will not be enough for you to water your crops, so make sure to check the local groundwater availability if you are thinking to relocate to this state. If you want more information about this state then check out my recent article Off grid living in Wyoming ( Cowboy State ).

Best Places To Live Off The Grid In Wyoming

Wyoming presents some of the most remarkable options for living off the grid. The state’s vast expanses of untouched wilderness, towering mountains, and pristine landscapes create an ideal backdrop for a self-sustaining lifestyle. Areas like Teton County and Sublette County, situated in the western part of the state, offer breathtaking views, abundant wildlife, and a deep connection with nature. These regions provide opportunities for sustainable agriculture, off-grid energy solutions, and a close-knit off-grid living community.

Additionally, the remote communities of Carbon County and Lincoln County in southern Wyoming offer a peaceful and secluded environment, surrounded by rugged beauty and wide-open spaces. Wyoming’s low population density, favorable land prices, and a culture that values independence make it a coveted destination for those seeking to disconnect from traditional utilities and embrace a more self-sufficient and sustainable way of life amidst the awe-inspiring wonders of the Cowboy State.

Laramie County

Laramie County is located in the southeastern part of the state, and this is where the population density is one of the highest in the state. Although the population density in Laramie County is relatively high but the size of the county is also massive. Currently, there are around 95k people living in an area of 2,686 sq mi, and your best options of off grid living are in the south and in the southeastern parts of the county. If you want to know how to live off the grid in the woods then check out my recent article How to live off the grid in the woods? ( In 15 Steps ).

Natrona County

Natrona County is located in the central part of the state, the main reason why this is one of the better places for off grid living is due to the size of the county. The bigger the county the more options you have for buying land, and due to the low population density the demand for land is relatively low which means that you can buy land for faily cheap. Currently, there are around 79k people living in an area of 5,340 sq mi, and your best options for off grid living are in the south.

Sweetwater County

Sweetwater County is located in the southwestern part of the state, and this county is an excellent place for anybody who wants cheap land and a favorable climate for growing crops. Currently, there are around 45k people living in an area of 10,426 sq mi. Your best options for off grid living both in terms of pricing and climate are in the southwestern parts of the county. If you want to know what the best careers for off grid living are, then check out my recent article Best careers for living off the grid ( Top 18 ).

Niobrara County

Niobrara County is located in the eastern part of the state, and if you want dirt cheap land then this is the place to be. Due to the extremely low population density, you will have no problem finding suitable land for off grid living for cheap. Currently, there are around 2,5k people living in an area of 2,626 sq mi, and your best options for off grid living are in the south and southeastern parts of the county.

Hot Springs County

Hot Springs County is located in the northern part of the state, although the climate is for the most part semi-arid, but this county is still one of the best ones in the state for off grid living. Hot Springs County has one of the lowest population densities in the entire state, the price of land is relatively low but the cost of living can be somewhat high as the demand for a lot of common goods is fairly low.

Fremont County

Fremont County is located in the central part of the state, this is one of the largest counties in Wyoming. Even though there are around 41k people living in Fremont County the population density is extremely low due to the massive size of the county which is 9,183 sq mi. For the most part, you will find the price of land in this county to be extremely low, although your best options for off grid living are in the western parts of the county.

Teton County

Teton County is located in the western part of the state, and the climate in this county is relatively good for off grid living. With that being said the winters can be somewhat harsh if you are not used to the local climate. The population density is also fairly low, as there are around 21k people living in an area of 4,008 sq mi, your best options for off grid living are in the southern parts of the county.

Key Takeaways

  • Oklahoma boasts rich natural resources, including fertile soil, ample water sources, and diverse landscapes. These resources support off-grid living activities such as agriculture, gardening, and livestock raising. The state’s favorable climate allows for the cultivation of a wide variety of crops, making it conducive to self-sustaining food production.
  • Oklahoma is home to various off-grid communities and individuals who embrace self-sufficiency and sustainable living. These communities provide a supportive network for knowledge sharing, resource exchange, and a sense of community. The state’s strong agricultural heritage and rural lifestyle contribute to a mindset that aligns well with off-grid living.
  • Oklahoma offers affordable land prices compared to many other states, making it more accessible for individuals seeking to establish an off-grid lifestyle. The state also has a relatively low population density, providing ample space and privacy for off-grid homesteads and activities.